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workM8 in Community Healthcare

Mental health, Community Health and Aged care organisations have some of the most challenging environments in which to provide OH&S safeguards for their staff in the field. These organisations need to provide their Healthcare professionals with a ‘safety net’ should those professionals (usually working alone) require assistance. Importantly any ‘safety net’ must not place undue effort of staff and be flexible enough allow all clinical obligations to be met.

workM8 provides vehicle tracking tools and other mechanisms to allow lone worker staff to request assistance.

For vehicles especially, the problem of tracking is often complicated by a mix of pool cars, hire cars, full-time, contractors and/or third-party healthcare providers. These mix of vehicles and individuals all delivering care/services on behalf a single organisation is something the workM8 Application has been designed to help address.

WorkM8 runs as an Application on a mobile phone removing the need to install additional hardware to monitor and track vehicles. A small OBD2* device can be plugged into the vehicle and paired with the workM8 application to gather additional engine diagnostic data and automate the alarms should an impact or rollover be detected.

The web-portal provides authorised support staff with real time visibility of which field staff member is with a specific vehicle. The location of that vehicle and if any issues have been detected (engine notifications, event alerts etc) can be proactively alarmed in the event of an incident.

Should staff wish to request assistance in the field, location data can be sent to collegues discreetly through a wearable Bluetooth fob connecting to the workM8 Application (or from the phone home screen).

Some of the key features for Community Healthcare organisations include:

  • A single cost-effective solution for all staff to request assistance from the field.
  • Report on individual drivers of shared fleet vehicles (includes hire cars and personal vehicles)
  • A fully functional fleet management solution without the usual costs and hardware requirements.
  • Secure portal to report on vehicle locations and requests for assistance